To what extent will progressive morality be a factor in the
looming presidential election? Is it simply a nuisance? Will mainstream
Democrats (yet again) cringe in its presence, disavow it, spout mostly
Republican-lite platitudes about tough-guy patriotism -- and,
positioning themselves, as ever, as the Lesser of Two Evils, count the
progressive vote as theirs?
The election season, which ought to be more about promoting values
than candidates, is barely about values at all, except as weaknesses to
Ah, democracy! In post-modern America, the political establishment
has quietly uncoupled the word from its definition even as it affects to
promote democracy around the world. Campaigns celebrate and dismantle
candidates’ personalities and stand for no more than variations of the
status quo.
And this is why progressive morality is, indeed, a nuisance. It’s
about the future: the world we haven’t built yet, a world beyond
poverty, war and environmental exploitation. In a real democracy, such
issues would be passionately addressed — if not all the time, then at
least during election season — with the limited interests of the present
moment temporarily suspended as we tried to figure out how to get
beyond them.
George Lakoff and Elisabeth Wehling,
about the Democrats’ unsuccessful bid to recall Gov. Scott Walker in
Wisconsin, make some excellent points, beginning with the idea that the
Dems “argued policy” while the Republicans argued their version of
morality — which is pretty much what always happens. And a strong moral
stand inevitably trumps a reasoned explication of policy because
“morality is central to identity.”
When Republicans run for office, they effortlessly take a foursquare
stand for God and country, no matter that such a stand may have the
depth of a campaign poster, while Democrats usually manage to sound like
nattering nabobs even when they’re speaking about substantive issues.
And when they do reach for the big moral sound bite, what they extol is
the same God-and-country, kill-thy-enemy morality as the Republicans,
but with a desperate “me too” edge. Why is that?
Lakoff has been writing for years that the Democrats should speak
unapologetically from a progressive moral position, framing the major
campaign issues in this morality, which models itself on the nurturing
family; emphasizes such values as equality, empathy and cooperation; and
grounds itself in an empowered public sphere, which is dutifully
maintained and protected by the government.
In contrast, “Conservative morality fits the family of the strict
father, who is the ultimate authority, defines right and wrong, and
rules through punishment,” Lakoff and Wehling write. “Self-discipline to
follow rules and avoid punishment makes one moral, which makes it a
matter of individual responsibility alone. You are responsible for
yourself and not anyone else. . . .
“In conservative politics, democracy is seen as providing the maximal
liberty to seek one’s self-interest without being responsible for the
interests of others. The best people are those who are disciplined
enough to be successful. Lack of success implies lack of discipline and
character, which means you deserve your poverty.”
And politically, of course, the public sphere — a.k.a., government —
is as much the enemy to conservatives as terrorists are, even though
private success is impossible without it. There’s no insult more severe
than calling someone a “socialist.” The insult is without rationality
but is deeply moral in its (flawed) meaning.
So, once again, I ask, why is this? Why have the Democrats remained
stalled between solid moral positions since their last major moral
stand, which was to support the civil rights movement and dismantle the
political infrastructure of Jim Crow? Wouldn’t it be easier to mobilize
their base if they positioned themselves at its center rather than
hemmed and hawed at the periphery, arguing policy instead of standing up
for what’s right? Wouldn’t this reinvigorate not just the candidates
and the party but our entire democracy?
The answer, I fear, is that we remain in a state of moral transition —
and confusion. The Dems, after all, stood up not just for civil rights
and a war on poverty but the geopolitical and moral disaster known as
the Vietnam War. Subsequently unnerved by the political cost of their
real moral stands (loss of the Old South and racists everywhere), they
hedged their bets and tried to get along with the increasingly militant
conservatives, bringing on what Robert Parry, in an excellent 2009
essay, called “battered wife syndrome.” As the Dems strove for an
increasingly pointless bipartisan unity, their counterparts stole
elections and fomented inane scandals to bring them down.
But the Democrats, for all their battered-spouse “cooperativeness,”
are also co-conspirators in the corporate agenda of endless war.
President Obama has not only extended the reach of drone warfare but
managed to craft, with the help of official leaks, a tough-cookie,
“assassin-in-chief” image that makes the world far less safe but
enhances his authoritarian-father credibility among the other party’s
base. His own base is relegated to the status of political orphans.
Robert Koehler is an award-winning, Chicago-based journalist and nationally syndicated writer. His new book,
Courage Grows Strong at the Wound is now available. Contact him at
koehlercw@gmail.com or visit his website at